Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You might be a Redneck if... go to Bass Pro Shop with your kids dressed in camo to have their pictures made with Santa Claus! But I am so glad we did because we had so many fun photo oppurtunities and the pictures with Santa were free! And Santa Claus was GREAT! Not only that but they had tables set up for the kids to color or write letters with Santa. It was a blast! And of course we fit right in with our camo on! I think Olivia is wanting to add this four-wheeler to her Christmas list! Which I am not surprised be that at all maybe we will have to get a Batman symbol to put on it too!
It was a great time and I am sure we will be going back next year!



Carly Winborne said...

you're no more redneck than we are! we were AT bass pro shops when santa arrived! would have taken a picture, but JA was scared out of her mind. maybe next year will be our redneck year!

your pics are great! love olivia's red tights!

The Long Family said...

Love the four wheeler picture!! So cute!

Lauren said...

I'm so glad I saw your photo. Blaine was just telling me there was a Santa there, but I was a little apprehensive...thinking he might be dressed in camo from head to toe!! Cute pics of the kids!

Amber said...

No you didn't! Ha!